About Us

Ju Eng 聚英, in Chinese means “a gathering of people with noble ideas”.  It was named by the late Elder Ang Oon Hue, BBM, who was the then Chairman and Founder of the former Ju Eng Primary School.

It was in the 1940s that the late Elder Ang purchased 2 acres of freehold land in Jalan Kayu to build the school.  Eventually, he applied for conversion of the school into a nursing home.  Subsequently, he donated the 2 acre freehold land to the Government to build a modern full service nursing home under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health.

Ju Eng Home for Senior Citizens was officially opened on 28 September 1996 by Mr George Yeo, then Minister of Health, accommodating 104 residents in a single storey building under Phase 1 development.  Due to the rapid ageing population and the escalating need for elderly nursing care in Singapore, a five-storey building under Phase 2 was built in September 2001, accommodating a total of 334 residents.

In May 2016,  Phase 3 was completed, and the Home can now accommodate up to 522 residents.

Ju Eng Home is an Institution of  A Public Character (IPC) and licensed as a Nursing Home under The Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act (Chapter 248).

Ju Eng History  




Ju Eng Logo "The Cross within the Heart in Ju Eng Home's logo, embodies genuine Christian love in the name of Jesus Christ who died on the cross to save us from our sins."


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